Symposium: Monitoring and Managing Imminent Risks in the Food Chain
Food production and food intake can be strongly related to risks for the customer. Over the last few decades, more risks have been discovered (through better analysis methods) and they have made the news more than they did a long time ago. The purpose of this symposium is to highlight a number of aspects of these risks. How can we detect, monitor, control, prevent and remedy risks in food? Both chemical and microbiological risks will be discussed. Using "big data" can contribute to the detection and prevention of risks. If risks do arise in the food chain, food companies, the competent authorities and even the European Commission must find and apply solutions.
In this symposium, specialists will address these issues from different angles. This symposium is aimed at the concerned authorities, researchers, legal experts, company managers and all other interested parties in the food chain.
- 08:30 Registration
- 09:15 Welcome
- 09:25 Mass spectrometric approaches for monitoring contaminants of emerging concern, Lynn VANHAECKE, Ghent University
- 09:55 Which contaminant risks are priority for the European Commission, Frans VERSTRAETE, European Commission
- 10:25 Human biomonitoring of chemical food-based contaminants, Paula ALVITO, National Health Institute Portugal (PT)
- 10:50 Coffee Break
- 11:20 Managing food-borne outbreaks, a world in motion, Bavo VERHAEGEN, Sciensano
- 11:55 Data management and reducing risks in the food chain, Christopher BREWSTER, TNO (NL)
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:30 FASFC measures: a step-by-step approach for consumer protection, Philippe HOUDART, FAVV
- 13:55 The RASFF: the EU’s tool for informing authorities about imminent risks, Jan BAELE, European Commission
- 14:20 Crisis: what can food companies do? Dirk CEULEMANS, Food Security
- 14:45 Coffee Break
- 15:20 Which risks are currently considered at level of the EFSA CONTAM panel, Luisa RAMOS BORDAJANDI, EFSA
- 15:45 MALDI-TOF MS a high-throughput dereplication and identification tool in the search for food contaminants, Anneleen WIEME, Ghent University
- 16:10 Closing remarks
- 16:20 Closure
Fee (Lunch and VAT included; handouts published online)
- MEMBER KVCV: € 195
- Non member: € 240
- Students: € 100
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Registration before 6 May 2022
Link to online registration form.
104th activity of KVCV-Food Division organized by: Bruno DE MEULENAER & Sarah DE SAEGER (Ghent University, co-chairs), Rudy CALDERS (PIH) and Guy TEMMERMAN (FAVV)