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International Conference on Green & Sustainable Chemistry - 7th EuChemS GSC Conference (ICGSC2025)
On behalf of the International Advisory Board and the Hungarian Chemical Society it is our pleasure to invite to attend the International Conference on Green & Sustainable Chemistry at Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary, June 1-5 , 2025. Originally, the conference was scheduled for August 25-29, 2024, but it has been postponed due to technical reasons. The new dates are June 1-5, 2025.
The conference is a meeting series focusing on the frontiers of all aspects of green and sustainable chemistry and follows the meetings in Japan (2003) Washington, DC, USA (2005), Delft, The Netherlands (2007), Beijing, China (2009), Washington, DC, USA (2011), Nottingham, UK (2013), Tokyo, Japan (2015), Melbourne, Australia (2017), Reston, Virginia, USA (2019)
The conference is organized by the Hungarian Chemical Society.
Alle datums
- Van 2025-06-01 16:00 tot 2025-06-05 13:00
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