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The Emergence of “Iron age weapons” to fight Antimicrobial Resistance

2024-10-15 19:30 - 22:00
British School of Brussels - Pater Dupierreuxlaan 1, 3080 Tervuren

On the evening of Tuesday 15 October, we will welcome Professor Ricardo Louro who is head of the Inorganic Biochemistry and the NMR laboratory at ITQB-NOVA – an interdisciplinary research and advanced training institute of NOVA University in Lisbon, Portugal.

Antimicrobial resistance is an emerging concern that is threatening to burst the antibiotic bubble that has kept us largely safe from bacterial infection for nearly eight decades since the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming. Prof Louro will present the problem, describe the current antibiotic targets and argue that scientific discoveries are uncovering new targets that have the potential to preserve our protection from bacterial infections into the future. In particular he will focus on the emergence of  “Iron age weapons” that can help us fight anti-microbial resistance. 

The talk will start at 19h30 and will be in the Social Area above the Brel Theatre at the British School of Brussels (BSB), Tervuren. As usual the talk will be followed by a networking social. 

Please register using this form: https://forms.gle/PBvurkfqcnHbdBHM9

Registration will close on Monday 14 October 2024.


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