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Synthesis and electron microscopy characterization of novel core-shell and self-assembled nanostructures for plasmon-enhanced photocatalysis

2024-06-27 16:00
Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Middelheim, Gebouw A, A.143 - Middelheimlaan 1
2020 Antwerpen, België

Promovendus/a: Rajeshreddy Ninakanti

Promotor(en): Sammy Verbruggen & Sara Bals

The global challenge posed by increasing levels of greenhouse gases and the associated detrimental impacts of global warming necessitate a strategic shift from traditional fossil fuel-based energy systems to more sustainable, renewable, and circular energy and material solutions. Consequently, the potential of photoactive nanoparticles, particularly those that harness light-driven processes, has captured extensive scientific interest as a viable approach to mitigating energy and environmental challenges on a global scale. Although, the adoption of solar light based solutions in the chemical industry has been very less due to sluggish reaction rates and its cascading effects on its economics.

The primary focus of this dissertation is the study of plasmonic metal nanoparticles and metal oxide nanoparticles, emphasizing their applications in light-driven energy conversion. The distinctive properties of plasmonic materials, especially surface plasmon resonance (SPR), are pivotal in these applications. SPR involves the oscillation of electron clouds at the surface of nanoparticles when resonating with incident electromagnetic radiation, significantly enhancing solar radiation absorption. This feature is crucial for addressing the limitations of semiconductor photocatalysts like TiO2, which typically exhibit restricted absorption of solar irradiation. The objective of this dissertation is to further optimize the plasmonic enhancement mechanisms by strategically tuning the interactions between plasmonic nanoparticles and TiO2. This is achieved through the development of core-shell nanostructures and the self-assembly of supraparticles, designed to enhance plasmonic photocatalytic systems.

The dissertation begins by elucidating the basic concepts and ideations behind the construction of these nanostructures and their roles in enhancing plasmonic photocatalysis, focusing on mechanisms such as near-electric field enhancement, electron transfer, and enhanced photon absorption. To achieve these objectives, modified synthesis techniques were developed to fabricate novel Au@TiO2 core-shell structures with precisely controlled TiO2 shell thickness and self-assembled Au-TiO2 supraparticles with variable sizes. The thesis further delves into the structural characterization of these synthesized nanoparticles, introducing both basic and advanced electron microscopy techniques. For the specific applications of these structures, it was found that Au@TiO2 core-shell nanoparticles with an optimal 4nm TiO2 shell thickness show significant enhancement in the hydrogen evolution reaction. Additionally, the largest Au-TiO2 supraparticles demonstrate superior efficacy in hydrogen peroxide generation.

This work not only deepens the scientific understanding of plasmonic materials but also contributes to the development of renewable energy materials.

Alle datums

  • 2024-06-27 16:00

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