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Materiomics: Innovative materials from healthcare across quantum to sustainable technologies
2024-09-04 08:30 - 2024-09-06 17:00
UHasselt Campus Diepenbeek - Agoralaan - Gebouw D
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The summer school ''Materiomics: Innovative materials from healthcare across quantum to sustainable technologies" will take place on Sept. 4, 5, and 6, 2024, at Campus Diepenbeek (Hasselt University, Belgium). This summer school for 2nd and 3rd bachelor (bio)chemistry, physics, materials science, (bio)engineering students introduces students to innovative materials for healthcare, energy generation, storage and efficiency, sustainable materials and materials for quantum technologies. The program includes both lectures and applied experiences given by UHasselt faculty and international speakers.
Fee: 50 euros for all three days (including lunch and coffee breaks)
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