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French Conference on Catalysis

2022-05-30 08:00
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FCCat-3 is the third edition of the "French Conference on Catalysis", which will take place from May 30th to June 3rd 2022 in Ronce-les-Bains, a side resort close to La Rochelle, in France. This international event follows the 2 successful editions of 2016 and 2019. The Conference widely embraces all current topics in catalysis, involving -among others- environmental catalysis, catalysts characterization, and molecular catalysis, and welcomes an international audience. After a long period of forced remote interactions, we will do our very best to make the FCCat - 3 conference a stimulating place for promoting scientific interactions, creativity, research-industry interplay, and networking. The conference will include an industrial round table and activties destined to young chemists, in association with the "yourg Chemists network" of the French Chemical Society.


Alle datums

  • Van 2022-05-30 08:00 tot 2022-06-03 08:00

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