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7th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-aromatics

2020-12-03 00:00
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Get informed about the latest progress in the field of biobased aromatics, and join the pre-arranged, online bilateral matchmaking sessions! On 3 December 2020, Shared Research Center Biorizon will host its 7th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-aromatics online.


Major industrial players, small to medium‑sized enterprises, and research and technology organisations from all over the world will join Biorizon online to discuss the latest progress in the field of bio-aromatics and to elaborate on opportunities to accelerate biobased business together

Over the past years, this event has evolved into a must-attend event for anyone who's interested in renewable aromatics. Last edition attracted 156 participants from 14 countries that engaged in 180 matchmaking sessions and valued the event with an 8.3.

What to expect from this year's virtual annual event on 3 December:

  1. A highly condensed, interactive 1:30 plenary webinar that features the progress that Biorizon has made in the scaling up of the production of bio-aromatics with premium properties. Plus a keynote speech of a major brand owner you don't want to miss (t.b.c.).
  2. By popular demand, we maximized the opportunity to arrange virtual matchmaking sessions that can be scheduled as from now. Meet representatives of the entire bio-aromatic value chain from all over the world!

We're very much looking forward to meeting you online!

Biorizon: The profitable way to biobased aromatics

Biorizon is the most advanced and valued research program on bio-aromatics worldwide. Shared Research Center Biorizon, an initiative of TNO and VITO, has been co-creating technologies for the production of bio-aromatics at the Green Chemistry Campus in Bergen op Zoom since 2013. Together with industrial partners, Biorizon creates and develops innovative chemical processes for the production of renewable aromatics from residual biomass. 

Aromatics are important building blocks for the chemical industry: no less than 40% of chemicals are aromatic, and they bring essential functionalities such as durability and thermal and UV stability to products like plastics, resins and coatings. Bio-aromatics provide new functionalities and an impactful and green alternative for current petrochemical products that are difficult to re-use or recycle, including paints, adhesives and lubricants. Our aim is to enable commercial production of bio-aromatic building blocks by 2025. Please join our community!

  • For more info on Biorizon please visit our website: www.biorizon.eu
  • Please register: https://biorizon-annual-event-2020.b2match.io/

Alle datums

  • 2020-12-03 00:00

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