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Sonoprinting of nanomedicines: from a mechanistic understanding towards preclinical translation

2019-10-23 18:00
Universiteit Gent, Auditorium 2 - Ottergemsesteenweg 460
9000 Gent, België

Promovendus/a: Silke Roovers

Promotor(en): Prof. dr. Stefaan De Smedt, dr. Ine Lentacker

Achieving a localized drug delivery is key in the success of many therapeutic challenges nowadays. By loading nanomedicines directly onto the surface of microbubbles, a spatial and temporal control of drug release can be obtained, thereby reducing exposure to other parts of the body. Moreover, microbubbles have demonstrated the ability to promote drug uptake into the cancer tissue. However, the exact mechanisms behind this improved delivery are yet to be fully uncovered. Recently, it was found that nanoparticle-loaded microbubbles could locally deposited the nanoparticles in patches onto target cells upon ultrasound exposure. This novel delivery mechanism was termed ‘sonoprinting’ and may explain the therapeutic benefit of nanomedicine-loaded microbubbles and ultrasound. Accordingly, the main aim of this dissertation is to study the potential of sonoprinting for ultrasound-triggered nanomedicine delivery via a step-by-step approach using increasingly complex systems, from 2D to 3D and finally to in vivo models.

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  • 2019-10-23 18:00

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