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14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry

2019-05-19 00:00 - 2019-05-24 00:00
International Convention Center Ghent (ICC) - Van Rysselberghedreef 2 (Citadelpark), 9000 Gent

The 14th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry will be hosted by Ghent University during May 19-24, 2019 in Ghent, Belgium at the International Convention Centre (ICC). This centre lies in a tranquil oasis in the middle of Ghent’s largest park and green lung.

This IUPAC congress has served as the premier forum of international exchange of scientific information and to discuss emerging issues of global significance in agriculture since 1967. It is organized as a conference every four years with typical attendance ranging from 1000 to 1500 crop protection specialists. It highlights state-of-the-art scientific advances and regulatory approaches.

The conference program is guided by emerging trends in the crop protection domain with a focus on crop protection chemistry. The overall conference theme will focus on “Crop Protection: Education of the Future Generation”, as the most effective way to obtain a genuinely sustainable global food production system.


Alle datums

  • Van 2019-05-19 00:00 tot 2019-05-24 00:00

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