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BioBusiness Summer School

2019-06-24 09:00 - 18:00
WCW Congress Centre, Amsterdam - Sciencepark 123
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BioBusiness Summer School is an introductory five-day course for academics who are contemplating a career switch to industry and young professionals in their first industry jobs. This course will help you to jumpstart your business career in the Life Sciences industry. During this five-day programme, your will learn the basics of the main business topics, such as product development, intellectual property rights, business models and finance. You will also gain insight into the world of Life Sciences companies, meet leading business people and expand your international network. 

Register soon as places are limited. Until April 2nd, 2019 the attractive early-bird fee applies. After this date, the regular fee applies until the registration deadline of June 3rd, 2019.



Alle datums

  • Van 2019-06-24 09:00 tot 2019-06-28 18:00
    maandag, dinsdag, woensdag, donderdag & vrijdag

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