From dust till dawn – how solids affect cosmic life
By dr. David Gobrecht, dr. Marie van de Sande & Robin Baeyens (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Cosmic dust condensates are created from abundant molecules and refractory molecular clusters that are prevalent in the extended atmospheres of evolved stars. We follow the evolution of cosmic solids, starting with their nucleation from gas-phase species, followed by grain-surface processes including chemical and physical adsorption/desorption as well as the growth of ice mantles. Eventually, we address the formation of planets from these cosmic solids and further discuss the chemical processes that shape planetary atmospheres.
Practical information
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Start time: 19:00 CET
Language: English
Registration required: Register here
Participation is free. Members of KVCV will receive priority for attending this event via our streaming platform, other registered participants will be provided with a YouTube live stream (although with fewer features for interaction during Q&A after the lecture). Either way, you will receive a link for accessing the online lecture a few days before the event.
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