Company visit AgfaLabs

13 december 2023 13:30 – 17:00
Locatie: Agfa, Septestraat 27, Mortsel, België
Categorie: Jong

Scientists at Agfa are constantly striving to develop and optimize new products for a rapidly changing world. Chemical and technological core competences have led to a new materials that are matching with the many challenges our society is facing. Next to that, we are open to third parties who are in need for analytical services, process development and tolling manufacturing.

More information about AgfaLabs:

13h30 – 14h00: Welcome and coffee
14h00 – 15h30: Presentation of some new products
15h30 – 17h00: Visit to some laboratories

Dress code: long trousers, closed shoes, those who can can bring their personal safety glasses

Registration before December 4 is required. Maximum 30 participants.

Register here.

