Future Sourcing of Raw Materials

24 oktober 2023 19:30 – 21:30
Locatie: Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Drie Eiken, Aula Fernand Nédée - gebouw Q, Universiteitsbaan, Antwerpen, België
Categorie: Kekulé

All evenings have the same arrangement:

19h00: Welcome
19h30: Introduction and lectures
21h30: Closing remarks and networking reception


Session Chair: Prof. dr. Ronny Blust – Vice-Rector Research - Dep. Biology - UAntwerpen

Opening Kekulé cycle XX: Prof. dr. Herman Van Goethem - rector UAntwerpen

Responsible mining and refining in Europe: from NIMBY to BIMBY
Prof. dr. ir. Peter Tom Jones – Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals KU Leuven

Responsible Minerals Sourcing, (Urban) Mine to Wheels
Dr. Filip Delalieux - Director Of Innovation – Umicore

Solvay's market vision and related metal supply and demand need
Ir. Christophe Couesnon - Head of Strategy and Sustainability - Battery Platform- Solvay

More information here.

