Development, implementation and follow-up of a GLP quality system
Date: 2-4 October 2017
Venue: Huis van de Bouw, Tramstraat 59, 9052 Zwijnaarde (Ghent), Belgium
Organisation: KVCV-Food Chemistry
Trainer: Hedwig Beernaert, GLP consultant, EuroQAM Ltd
It is important that the actors (sponsors, management, study directors, study personnel, quality assurance staff and archivists) involved in the development, implementation and follow-up of a GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE (GLP) quality system understand and interpret correctly the content of the principles of GLP before they produce reliable data that complies with regulatory agencies' good laboratory practice guidelines, specifications, and regulations. The application of the principles of GLP is mandatory. The programme of this GLP training workshop includes presentations, discussions, individual exercises and group problem-solving case studies to assure the actors to apply the Principles of GLP correctly in order to be GLP certified and to submit data for scientific evaluation by regulatory authorities.
Morning sessions:
Day 1: responsibilities, quality assurance programme, standard operating procedures, archives
Day 2: facilities, apparatus including computerized systems, materials
Day 3: performance of studies, test system, test item, final report
Afternoon sessions:
individual exercises and group problem-solving case studies
€ 720,00/participant (VAT, syllabus, breaks and lunch included)
Payment should be made by bank transfer to IBAN BE62 4310 6849 1161 (BIC KREDBEBB) of KVCV-FOOD c/o J. Denys, mentioning ‘Name participant - Workshop GLP’
Attention: registration is closed when 30 participants have registered and payed the registration fee.
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