Free information session on career coaching for PhDs and postdocs

03 March 2016 18:00 – 19:30
Location: UHasselt, Campus Diepenbeek, Gebouw D, Auditorium H2, Agoralaan, Diepenbeek, Vlaanderen, België
Category: Young
Ticket Type Price Quantity
Standard Ticket Free N/A

March 3, at 18.00 hours Jong-KVCV organizes, together with dr. Lucia Smit of BRAINGAIN an information session for PhDs and postdocs at UHasselt, Campus Diepenbeek to learn more about career coaching for PhDs and postdocs and how you can make use of loopbaancheques* to pay for these services.

The information session will be offered by dr. Lucia Smit who is owner and executive coach at BRAINGAIN. Dr. Lucia Smit worked as a researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel for more than 10 years. She studied the careers of PhDs who had left academia, in order to find out in which ways they used their skillset in other contexts. This study revealed that PhDs indeed apply their conceptual and analytical skills in- and outside R&D contexts in various jobs and are catalyzers in contributing to innovation.

BRAINGAIN guides PhDs and postdocs in their passion and personal leadership to create the career paths they are longing for. BRAINGAIN helps PhDs and postdocs in defining their career goals, discovering their career options, networking, illustrating their skills, writing cover letters and CVs and preparing for job interviews.

If you are interested to attend the information session, please register here:

*BRAINGAIN is accredited by VDAB, Flemish Service for labor mediation and professional training. BRAINGAIN’s customers can make use of the VDAB career vouchers to be ordered from One career voucher entitles you to 4 hours of coaching. One voucher costs 40 Euro’s. All researchers with a grant or contract at UHasselt for more than 1 year and who are living in Flanders or Brussels Gewest are entitled to make use of this service.

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