The KVCV board

Board of directors

Like every association, KVCV has a Board of Directors, elected by the General Assembly. The Board of Directors meets regularly, and sets the society's policy.

KVCV central division
An Mammolito (Office) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Yannick Vercammen (Webmaster) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Board of Directors
President: Christophe De Bie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice President: Eric Schouteden This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretary-General: Thomas Vranken This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Treasurer-General: Filip Buyse  
Councilor: Denis Comeyne  
Councilor: Vera Meynen  
Co-opted Councilor: Rudolf Vanheertum  

The Coordination Committee 

An essential part of KVCV is the Coordination Committee. Members of the Coordination Committee are: alle members of the Board of Directors and the representatives of all KVCV divisions (as a chairman or delegate). The Coordination Committee meets 2 to 3 times a year and is responsible for the proper coordination in the overall functioning of the association. The Coordination Committee is chaired by the President of the society. The meetings of the Coordination Committee are a unique opportunity for the representatives of the divisions to meet and organize activities together.

The General Assembly

The General Assembly meets at least once a year. The members of the Board of Directors and the chairs of the divisions receive a personal invitation.

During the General Assembly, an overview of the activities that took place during the past year is given, the Treasurer-General reports on the financial situation of the society and proposes the budget planning for the next year. The members present can ask questions.

Whenever a new President and/or Board of Directors needs to be elected, this happens during the General Assembly.


In the overall operation of the KVCV, the divisions play a crucial role. They were established at different points in time in the more than 80 year history of the KVCV, and they began to organise all kinds of activities.

The divisions organisze seminars, congresses, ... about a specific chemical topic. These topics range from the use of a new technique, rules and regulations in the discipline in question, to lectures by leading specialists.


Analytical Chemistry
Chair Tony Houthaeve
History and Philosophy of Chemistry
Chair Filip Buyse
Chair Pieter De Meyer
Chair Denis Comeyne
Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Chair Koen Augustyns
Education & Training
Chair Katrien Strubbe
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
Chair Annemieke Madder
Chair An Staes
Food chemistry
Chair Jurgen Denys

For more information about the operation of the divisions, you can contact the respective chair. Also, if you would like to cooperate in the organisation of activities or other initiatives of one of these divisions, feel free to reach out to us. You can contact us via or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Operation of divisions 

The proper functioning of a divisions is defined by its working group, a group of volunteers who meets regularly and organizes activities. Depending on certain seminars, sometimes smaller working groups are formed by those who feel more involved in the subject matter and have the necessary contacts at national and international level to attract specialists. These smaller working groups report back to the full group.

Many of these groups have become groups of friends, which makes cooperation even more pleasant and easier.


Would you like to contribute to the operation of KVCV or the organisation of activities? You can! Please contact us via this contact center.