Antwerp Young Minds
Antwerp Young Minds is part of the University of Antwerp and of the European Physical Society and organises events, such as the Physics Colloquia.
More information about Antwerp Young Minds can be found here.
Belgian Physical Society
The Belgian Physics Society (BPS) wants to promote physics and provide support to physicists. For this she organizes various activities and offers numerous benefits to members. As an example, there is information about possible employment on the website and the electronic magazine - B-Phy - can be downloaded. The BPS is also a member of the European Physical Society (EPS). More details on
Belgian Society of Laboratory Technologists
The Belgian Society of Laboratory Technologists (BVLT - ABTL) is a national, multidisciplinary association of paramedical employees in clinical biology. More information about the association can be found here.
ChemicAlumni is the alumni association for all former students of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Ghent. More information about ChemicAlumni can be found here.
Chemistry Europe
Founded in 1995, Chemistry Europe is an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries, representing over 75,000 chemists. It publishes a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals, covering a very broad range of disciplines published by Chemistry Europe.
More information about Chemistry Europe can be found here.
Chemistry Europe is represented in Belgium by the "Comité van Beheer van het Bulletin (C.B.B.)."
C.B.B. coordinates the two Belgian chemical societies (Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging and Société Royale de Chimie) in this area.
More information about C.B.B can be found here.

The European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry (EFMC) is an independent association representing medicinal chemistry societies in Europe. Its objective is to advance the science of medicinal chemistry by promoting cooperation and networking, by providing training and mentoring, by rewarding scientific excellence, and by facilitating communication and influencing stakeholders.
More information about EFMC can be found here.
essenscia, the Belgian federation of the chemical and life sciences industry, is a multi-sectoral umbrella organisation that represents the numerous business sectors of chemicals, plastics and life sciences.
You can sign up for the weekly newsletter here.
More information about essenscia can be found here.
The European Chemical Society (EuChemS) brings together chemistry related organisations throughout Europe to provide a single voice on key science and policy issues, based on expert scientific knowledge.
EuChemS is a not-for-profit organisation and has more than 40 member societies which together represent more than 150,000 chemists in academia, industry, government and professional organisations in more than 30 countries across Europe. EuChemS has several Divisions and Working Groups which cover all areas of chemistry and bring together world class expertise in the underpinning science and development needed for innovation.
Check out the monthly newsletters from EuChemS here.
You can sign up for the monthly newsletters of EuChemS here.
More information about EuChemS can be found here.
The European Young Chemists’ Network. EYCN is the younger members division of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuChemS). Every chemist under 35 within the EuChemS framework is part of EYCN.
More information about EYCN can be found here.
ie-net represents the community of all engineering and technical-inspired people. ie-net also brings together not only the engineers in Flanders, but also anyone with a passion for engineering and technology.
More information about ie-net can be found here. is the 'cluster' organisation that supports a life sciences driven network. This is accomplished by tranings, participation to congresses, services and expert advice.
More information about can be found here.
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) serves to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Humankind. As a scientific, international, non-governmental and objective body, IUPAC can address many global issues involving the chemical sciences.
More information about IUPAC can be found here.
The Royal Dutch Chemical Society is our Dutch sister organisation for chemistry, life sciences, process technology and (bio)molecular sciences.
More information about KNCV can be found here.
Laborama is the professional association of suppliers and producers of lab equipment in Belgium. The main activities are: Laborama Expo, LaboramaLux, Laborama Academy, Labojobs, Laborama stats, Laborama e-magazine and the Laborama Quality Service label.
More details on
The National Committee for pure and applied Chemistry represents Belgian scientists working in the field of Chemistry in the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
More information about NCC can be found here.
The Belgium Section of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), founded in 1989, counts about 120 professional members and an extensive list of 'Friends of RSC Belgium'. The section organises lectures, visits and social events with the main aim of making the chemical sciences known to the general public. The connections with schools are tightened up through 'poster' competitions and other activities. More details on
La Société Royale de Chimie (SRC) is our Walloon sister organisation.
More information about SRC can be found here.
Talentenfabriek is the job and training point for the Antwerp metal and chemical sectors.
More information about Talentenfabriek can be found here.
Vereniging Leraars Wetenschappen (VeLeWe)
Some goals of this association are:
- Support teachers in their teaching duties in biology, chemistry, physics and natural sciences through its website, newsletters, education, ...
- Provide links to information about sciences and didactics of the sciences.
- Collaboration with sister associations and with teacher associations of other subjects.
More information on
We Are Chemistry
We Are Chemistry unites small and large companies from the chemical industry in Antwerp who are looking for brand new graduate talent.
More information about We Are Chemistry can be found here.