Lecture on 3D printing - Geannuleerd!
Naar aanleiding van de aanhoudende terreurdreiging niveau 4 hebben we beslist om de lezing over 3D printen aan de VUB uit te stellen. Dit vanwege onduidelijkheden over evenementen (sommige TDs werden afgelast alsook avondevenementen).
De lezing zal tot nader order uitgesteld worden en vermoedelijk plaatsvinden tijdens het volgende semester. Alvast bedankt voor jullie begrip en hopelijk tot op één van de volgende KVCV-lezingen.
Speaker: Toon Roels
3D printing is an emerging topic and receives numerous media mentions and international attention. We best know it as an important driver in groundbreaking medical procedures, but also remains available for every DIY enthusiast with basic digital knowledge.
This lecture focusses on the different technologies encompassed by the term "3D Printing", as well as on the physical and chemical processes that form the base of this procedure and what makes this production technique so innovating when compared to the traditional manufacturing processes.
We will demonstrate what is possible today using this technique, what the major fields of research are and what potential impact it can have on both industry and society .
Registration is not mandatory but strongly recommended. Register for this lecture.
The lecture will take place on campus Etterbeek at the VUB, room D0.02.
Entrance is free of charge for members of KVCV, others pay € 4 (on the spot).
After the lecture we would like to invite you for a reception in the corridors.