Welcome to division HTC
17th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-17)
Welkom op HTC-17
The 17th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-17) will be held in person from 26 to 28 January 2022, at Conference Center het Pand in Ghent, Belgium. HTC-17 will be organized under the auspices of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV) and the Separation Science Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (SSG RSC).
The HTC conference has been the premier platform for state-of-the-art developments in separation technologies and hyphenated techniques for more than 30 years. The conference typically encompasses three parallel sessions consisting of plenary lectures, keynote lectures, tutorials, oral and poster-flash presentations. One of the parallel sessions will be dedicated to young emerging scientists (YES!). The symposium will also host an attractive technical exhibition where vendors will present their newest instruments and developments, topped with technical seminars.
We will cover fundamental and practical aspects of liquid-phase and gas chromatography, including multi-dimensional LC, GC and SFC, LC-MS and GC-MS. The program will further include topics such as three-dimensional separations, automated sample preparation, online analyzers and sensors, ion-mobility and native mass spectrometry, emerging detectors and separation modes, method development and artificial intelligence, column technology and stationary-phase developments, system design and optimization, miniaturization and chip technology, data mining and curation. We will also address bottlenecks and describe trends and new technologies for a wide range of applications, including (bio-)pharmaceuticals, macromolecules, medical diagnostics and clinical applications, forensic analysis and doping control, food analysis and safety, environmental analysis, energy, green approaches, high-throughput analysis, omics (lipidomics, metabolomics, proteomics) and biomarker discovery, modern industrial applications and natural products.
As always, we will ensure abundant networking opportunities during the conference, with an informal beer tasting event organized during a nocturnal poster event, a conference dinner in the beautiful Poortackere monastery and lots of dissemination activities.
A number of awards will be presented at HTC-17. The HTC/LCGC Innovation Award, sponsored by LCGC Europe, will be offered to a researcher with less than 15 years’ experience after obtaining his/her PhD for “a pioneering contribution to the field of separation sciences by introducing new methodologies, new instrumentation or new techniques in the field, with a strong focus on applicability”. The most innovative oral contribution presented during the conference will receive the HTC-Award. The most innovative poster contributions will receive the HTC-Poster Award. We will also organize a YouTube contest for young scientists that will be sponsored by Elsevier’s Journal of Chromatography A and Journal of Chromatography Open, a new Open Access journal.
Participants are invited to register and submit abstracts for review using the abstract submission menu available on the website: www.htc-17.com. The deadline for oral abstract submission is 15 September 2021. The poster abstract submission deadline is 15 October 2021.
After a challenging time wherein meeting and networking has been severely restricted, we very much look forward to seeing you in Ghent!
With best regards from the organizing committee of HTC-17!
16th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-16)
Report HTC-16
In het congrescentrum Het Pand van de Universiteit Gent ging van woensdag 29 tot vrijdag 31 januari 2020 het 16e internationaal symposium Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology (HTC-16) door. Het werd ingericht door de KVCV-sectie HTC in samenwerking met de Separation Science Group van de Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
262 deelnemers uit 26 landen – waarvan ongeveer 70 % uit het buitenland – volgden het wetenschappelijk programma. Er waren in het totaal 132 lezingen, tutorials, postersessies en vendor seminars in drie parallelsessies. Twee 'short courses' gingen aan het symposium vooraf: Multidimensional and Hyphenated Techniques in LC and GC en Cannabis Analysis. Er werden 76 posters gepresenteerd en 13 firma’s hadden een stand op de technische tentoonstelling.
- LC-GC Europe sponsorde de Innovation Award die wordt toegekend ‘… to celebrate the work of scientists who are innovatively evolving the field of hyphenated techniques’. Lezers van LC-GC Europe konden vóór het HTC-congres kandidaten nomineren; het Wetenschappelijk Comité en de Industry Board van HTC-16 kozen finaal de winnaar.
Dit werd prof. Ryan T. KELLY, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Brigham Young University, Utah, USA; titel van zijn lezing: One Cell at a Time: 1D and 2D Separations for In-Depth Single-Cell and nanoscale Proteomics. - De HTC-Award wordt gesponsord door Elsevier en toegekend aan de meest vernieuwende lezing tijdens het congres. Ook hier besliste het Wetenschappelijk Comité en de Industry Board van HTC-16 wie de Award ontving.
Prof. André DE VILLIERS, Stellenbosch University, Zuid-Afrika ontving de Award voor zijn lezing Advantages and limitations of HILIC in the second dimension of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatographic separations: A kinetic evaluation. - Voor de poster-awards, gesponsored door Analytical Science Advances (Wiley), waren originaliteit en vernieuwing, het experimenteel werk en de visuele en mondelinge presentatie de criteria.
De drie poster-awards werden toegekend aan respectievelijk Ali MOUSSA (Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Sample Loss and Dispersion Occurring in Sample Loops Used in 2D-LC Setups), Haibin LI (An experimental procedure for the in-depth evaluation of band broadening phenomena in capillary and nano-size columns) en Zhanyao HOU (Polymerization of the Through-pores in HPLC Columns for Enhanced SEM Based Assessment of Packing Order).
Prof. Sebastiaan EELTINK (VUB) kondigde namens het organiserend comité aan dat HTC-17 in 2022 in Gent wordt georganiseerd.
Read the comprehensive report about HTC-16 (PDF).
A special issue of Journal of Chromatography A was also released in response to HTC-16.
Division HTC aims the organisation of conferences on "coupled chromatography", better known under the name 'Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology' (HTC).
Coupled chromatographic techniques - especially GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) - experienced a strong rise from the 1980s. In 1990, the former 'workgroup chromatography' dedicated a two-day conference to this. The initiative was taken by the later KVCV chairman dr. Robert Smits.
HTC symposia have since then been organized every two years, at the University of Antwerp until 1994, then in Bruges and from 2016 in Ghent. In the meantime, the scope of the congress has been further expanded and both fundamental aspects and applications of (multidimensional) gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC) and supercritical liquid chromatography (SFC) coupled to various types of detectors (such as mass spectrometry) are amply discussed. Since 2006 the Science Separation Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) actively participates in the organization of the congress. In 2006 and in 2018 an "English" HTC was set up in York and Cardiff, respectively.
The HTC Congress lasts three days and is preceded by short courses. For the plenary lectures, speakers of international allure are invited.
During the HTC conference, the LCGC Europe/HTC Innovation Award is presented to a scientist who provided the most innovative contribution in the field of coupled chromatography. The laureate is elected by the Scientific Committee of HTC. The Innovation Award replaces the LCGC Europe Lifetime Achievement Award since 2018. Also the most innovative posters are awarded a poster award.
The Proceedings of the HTC conference are published in a special issue of Journal of Chromatography A.
The HTC Congress can only be arranged provided the efforts of the organising committee and the willing help of numerous students from universities and colleges. After the unexpected death of the founding chairman Robert Smits, Professor Frederic Lynen (Ghent University) took the Chair in 2011. From 2020, a rotating co-presidency is installed. For the next edition in 2022 Prof. Deirdre Cabooter (KU Leuven, Chair), Prof. Sebastiaan Eeltink (VUB, Co-chair) and Prof. Frédéric Lynen (UGent, Co-Chair) will be responsible for this.