Transitie naar circulariteit - Transition to circularity
Session chairman: prof. dr. Ronny Blust, vicerector onderzoek Universiteit Antwerpen
19.45 hrs
Opening of the Kekulé cycle XVIII: Prof. Dr. Filip Lardon, vicerector dienstverlening Universiteit Antwerpen
Lectures (in English):
EU: The State of Environment and Transition Pathways to Sustainability
Dr. Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency (DK)
Managing for the Circular Economy and Chemicals Management, a dilemma or an achievable challenge for Industry and Society in the EU?
Hugo Waeterschoot MSc, Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux
Circular economy: resourceful strategies
Prof. Dr. Ir. Karel Van Acker, KU Leuven
21.45 hrs
Closing remarks and reception, offered by Universiteit Antwerpen