Van planten tot moleculen - From plants to molecules
19.45 uur
Biorefinery, the bridge between Agriculture and Chemistry [engelstalige presentatie]
Prof. dr. Johan Sanders, WU Agrotechnologie & Voedingswetenschappen, Wageningen UR, Nederland
Biomass to Transportation Fuels [engelstalige presentatie]
Dr. Kurt Vanden Bussche, Global R&D director for Materials Characterization, UOP a Honeywell Company, USA
Genetic engineering of trees for biofuels [engelstalige presentatie]
Prof. dr. Wout Boerjan, Bioenergy group, VIB dep. of Plant Systems Biology, UGent dep. of Plant, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
21.15 uur
Slotwoord en receptie, aangeboden door Solvay