2nd Joint CE User Meeting KNCV-KVCV
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10h00: CZE method development for more hydrophobic pharmaceuticals and an investigation of the orthogonality between RP-HPLC and CZE - Freek Eijnthoven
10h20: Evaluation of Capillary Electrochromatography as Chiral Separation Technique - Y. Vander Heyden
10h40: CE of organic acids in cerebrospinal fluid using direct sample injection and a triple-layer coating - Rawi Ramautar
12h10: CE – Inductively Coupled Plasma – MS for the Speciation of Chromium in Leather and Skin - C.C. Chéry
14h00: Phosphate as an example for Drug stoichiometry and impurity determination using Capillary Electrophoresis - François de l’Escaille
14h30: Protein Identification by CE-MS-TOF - Martin Haex