Welcome to division Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry

Welcome to the Division of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

This KVCV division was founded alongside the corresponding division at SRC at the occasion of the 25th edition of the yearly Merck Organic Chemistry Symposium (MOCS). The two divisions operate as a single entity.


The goal of the divisions is to

  • Promote organic and bio-organic chemistry in Belgium
  • Support young organic and bio-organic chemists in their careers, among others by awarding prizes to early-career researchers.
  • Strengthen the connections between organic and bio-organic chemists in academia and industry.
  • Enhance the visibility of organic and bio-organic chemistry in Belgium within Europe and EuChemS, through representation in the EuChemS Division of Organic Chemistry and the EuChemS Division of Organometallic Chemistry.
  • Facilitate interactions among organic chemists by organizing the annual MOCS and the biennial BOSS (Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium), with special discounts for members.

Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry