BePA Proteomics Summer school 2025

25 August 2025 08:15 – 29 August 2025 16:30
Location: Walter Fiers seminar room, FSVM II, VIB Technologiepark 75 Ghent, 9052 Belgium, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 75, Gent, Vlaams Gewest, Belgium
Category: Proteomics

Many researchers use proteomics as a research tool, but have little idea how the technology actually works. A broad selection of proteomics experts from Ghent and beyond go through the entire proteomics workflow from sample preparation, over data acquisition to data analysis. Basic principles are thoroughly explained while still focussing on the state-of-the-art technology used in the very rapidly evolving proteomics field. 

The summer school will show researchers what the capabilities of proteomics are. Attendees will not become experts in proteomics or mass spectrometry, but rather enable them to communicate and think along with the proteomics experts when they have to use proteomics experiments. At the end of the course, attendees will better understand the dos and don’ts in proteomics and be able to design their own experiment in order to find an answer to their protein-related questions.

Starting PhD candidates will be well prepared on the proteomics part of their project for their defence of e.g. FWO. PhD candidates that are in a later stage of their project will be able to easily integrate proteomics in their project, to be able to prepare compatible samples and interpret and process the data on their own.

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