UHasselt Science Tower welcomes KVCV
13h30 Welcome
14.00 Introduction
14.30 Keynote lecture (in English):
Dr. Hans Van Mingroot (IBM Global Business Services)
Technology, Science and Business: Quantum Computing 101
15.00 Keynote lecture (in English):
Prof. dr. Dirk Vanderzande (UHasselt)
Organic Chromophores as Lean Semiconductors in Flexible Electronics
15.30 Paying Tribute to 6 KVCV Honorary Members (in Dutch)
- Marie-Josée Janssens
- Arsène Lepoivre
- Guy Temmerman
- Jean Van de Weerdt
- Roger Dommisse
- Rudy Senten
16.00 Reception + visit of the Science Tower
Registration is mandatory but has closed.
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