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Advanced Fractionation of Kraft Lignin using Water-based Hydrotropic Solutions for Applications in Functional Coatings and Emulsions

Ph D Defense
2024-11-15 17:00
KU Leuven, Landbouwinstituut Hoofdgebouw, Aula Jozef Heuts, 00.215 - Kasteelpark Arenberg 20
3001 Leuven, België

Promovendus/a: Rita Gaspar

Promotor(en): Prof. dr. Pedro Fardim

This project focuses on purifying biomass waste from the paper and pulp industry to develop new materials. The use of biomass waste materials that can be transformed into high-value-added products aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and the principles of a circular bioeconomy. In this project, lignin, one of the three main components of plants, is used to create functional coatings and emulsions for applications across various industries, from biomedical to agricultural.

All Dates

  • 2024-11-15 17:00

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