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eFFECT5 - Waste streams valorisation
2024-10-10 17:00 - 22:30
Indaver - Molenweg, 9130 Beveren
17u00 - 18u30: optioneel bedrijfsbezoek INDAVER (beperkt aantal plaatsen = 2 groepen van 20 personen)
18u30: onthaal
19u00: start lezingen (in de Engelse taal)
Introduction: Sustainability as a driver for innovation in waste and materials management - Karl Vrancken (Indaver)
- Material and energy valorisation in processing non-recyclable residual waste: ash treatment and steam network Ecluse
Wim Ooms (Indaver) - Tracebility of Recycled Materials
Jennifer Lee (Worley) - Chemical recycling: the good, the bad and the ugly!
Kevin Van Geem (UGent)
20u50: Netwerkreceptie, aangeboden door Indaver
22u30: Einde
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